Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 21 11/01/10

The wind died down a bit this morning so before breakfast Will and I went on a walk down the beach to see the penguins. It was early and I think the penguins were as tired as we were!! When we returned breakfast was served on our beach front porch outside our room! It was so nice to enjoy a hearty breakfast while watching the waves crash on the beach! It looked so nice we took a picture to remember, two eggs over easy, bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, a fried banana, toast, and juice, somehow tasted better al fresco! We headed back to Cape Town after breakfast so we could check into the B&B and get settled. 17 on Loader is a modern located in DeWaterkant. The owner explained that DeWaterkant means “waterfront” and the name of the street Loader is so named because it was the main street used to unload the ships in the harbor. Through land fill and expansion DeWaterkant and Loader no longer sit on the harbor but the name and the history tell story of a time gone by! After checking in we took a walk around the neighborhood and had lunch at Tank a sushi restaurant. Luckily for us they were have half price sushi and cocktail lunch special, BONUS!! We spent the rest of the day exploring the shops and took in a movie. We ate dinner at the Greek Fisherman on Victoria and Alfred Warf, Will had Norwegian Salmon and prawns I had the grilled calamari! It was a great way to end a wonderful day in Cape Town!

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