Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 23 11/03/10

This morning once again our breakfast was delivered in a basket outside our door! I could get accustomed to this very easily!!!! It was overcast this morning and a bit cool so we ate breakfast in the room. We then researched wineries in the local area to see if there were any that served sulfite free wine. We found one, only one!!!! I guess if I want to drink wine I am going to have to start stomping my own grapes. We made a pit stop along the way to process our VAT refund, what fun that is, more to come! After all the fun at the VAT refund we were off to the winery. There are countless wineries in the Cape Town area. I would have never guessed. Villiera Wines the one place I thought I could enjoy a good wine tasting, but alas they only had one, that’s right one wine, actually a sparking wine which did not contain sulfites. It was not that good so Will continued tasting while I waited and watched. The staff directed us to two other wineries in the area that supposedly had sulfite free wines but they too were a bust, they had organic, ladybug wines but none which were sulfite free! On to lunch at a Lebanese restaurant located in the middle of Stellenbosch wine capital of South Africa! Go figure in a town which is predominantly Afrikaans we would find Arabic food. But we did!!!! LOL Since it was not much fun for me or Will to go wine tasting when I couldn’t taste we headed back to Cape Town. Along the way we stopped at the Century City Mall. I think it is bigger the Bridge Street, Parkway Place and Madison Square combined. They were starting to put out their Christmas decorations, and I bet it is going to be spectacular. I do not think I could even estimate how much it cost to build the mall much less decorate it! The evening after we returned was kind of slow, which was good as we are weary from travel. We packed our bags and had dinner in a cafĂ© down the block from the guest house! Tomorrow all the fun at the airport and three plane rides home! Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!

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