Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reflections Out of Africa!

Three and a half weeks and three countries it is hard to believe that after all the planning and anticipation the adventure is over. This morning I woke up in my own bed still a little jet lagged but no worse for the wear. It is hard to believe that we were in South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland! Even harder to believe is that even though Lesotho and Swaziland are smaller then most US states they could not be more different then South Africa which dominates and surrounds both countries. Lesotho is landlocked inside South Africa and Swaziland is boarded on three sides by South Africa and on one side Mozambique. The one thing they all had in common was how friendly and welcoming the people were. Before Will and I left we heard all about how high the crime rate was in all three countries esp. South Africa. We were told to make sure we didn’t drive or walk about alone at night, to make sure we left nothing on the seat in the car to put everything in the boot (trunk). Thankfully we were spared and did not see that side of these wonderful countries. What I did notice is that things we as Americans would see as negatives they see as the norm. People in South Africa all live behind a wall called security. As you drive along the streets you don’t see sprawling lawns you see walls topped with either barbed wire or electric fence (or both), a security gate and signs warning that not only is there an alarm but armed force will respond to the alarm. Hotels, guest houses, bed and breakfasts advertise that they have security guarding the parking lots to keep your car safe. Stop signs are superseded by signs telling you not to stop because it is a high crime area. In America these would be things that would keep people away, but somehow it doesn‘t keep tourists away, heck we went. We went to a place where animals roam free and are protected and signs warn people of their presence but also not to molest them and it is the people who live behind security walls. Yet despite that we had a remarkable adventure one that was thus far the trip of a life time which is now over and we are left with pictures, memories and souvenirs to help us recall our time spent in Africa! After three flights totaling ~20 hours we arrived home safe and sound. What I do know is that my experience in Africa was exceptional and one that has left me with a lifetime of memories. I am better for having been there. I am not sure what our next adventure will be but I can say this that it will be have to be phenomenal to surpass Africa, but I am willing to give it a go! It is late and I am off to bed tomorrow there will not be a breakfast basket at my door but after living out of a suit case for three and a half weeks what I can also say it is nice to be home! Good night!

1 comment:

  1. love this pic.
    love that you had a great time.
    love that tomorrow i will get to hear all about it!

    you were missed, friend!
