Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1 - Vacation Begins!

Will and I arrived, it was a long trip but it is behind us now, full steam ahead the adventure begins.  The only drama on the plane was a woman who was causing a problem arguing  because her family was spread out over the plane and she claimed she had booked seats together.  It finally came down the wire the threat of TSA coming on board to remove her and her family.  At that point people sitting in ear shot agreed to move.
We arrived about a half hour early, breezed through customs, waited a bit for our bags, FYI Will's was marked "Priority", but we still waited and mine which was regular checked baggage arrived moments behind.  I thought I was going to witness a drug bust in baggage, a beagle's sharp nose honed in on someones luggage.  NO drugs but he did find lunch, the man was carrying dried sausages and fruit. Oh well no excitement there!  After a quick stop at an ATM, we picked up the car a RAV 4, pretty nice we were off to the hotel The Sandton Hilton.  Our friends Cathy and Michelle picked us up and took us to Nelson Mandella Square.  It is in the middle of a multi level mall, convention center, banking center, library, shops and restaurants, and best of all it was right down the street from the hotel.  We ate dinner in Lekgotla an African themed, restaurant.  We had a wonderful buffet dinner, there was no way we could choose only one thing to try off the menu!  Desert too was quite the experience.  All and all a top rating and a wonderful way to end our first day in South Africa!  Tomorrow we head to Lesotho!  A five hour drive from Johannesburg!


  1. oooh I love this picture of my peeps!!!

  2. Awesome! We had a wonderful time!! we hope to hear from you both soon, Glenn, please send me your e-mail address.
    Love and stuff :)
