Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 15 10/26/10

This morning, 4:30 rolled around early esp. since there is no air conditioning in the room and it was hot and humid. I am so excited to report on our ride, we saw four of the big five. First we came upon two rhinos, they were oblivious to us until the wind changed and they caught our scent and ran off with their tails held up high! As big as they are they sure do spook easily. Then a leopard sleeping in a tree, he was magnificent and from what I have been told was the same leopard they saw last night with a fresh kill. He gave us quite a show climbing down the tree, walking along the dry river bed bank, sitting than sprawling on a rock. We followed him for a while, I am in a van with many shutter bugs! The lions or rather lionesses were out in force today, two of them were relaxing on the shore next to the watering hole and one was lying under a tree with four 6 - 8 week old cubs. Yes lion cubs!!!! They were so cute; the mother just laid there while they climbed all over her, rubbed up against her, and nursed. I so wanted to hold one but I do like my hand, arm, well let’s just say I wanted to live!!!! The cubs were the highlight of my day so far, I really didn’t expect to see baby lions, but I DID!!!!!

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