Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 17 10/28/10

Our first day in a long time not having to get up before sunrise was great! We slept in had a nice breakfast and then started exploring. We hit the falls today there are quite a few in Blyde River Canyon we hit the ones closest, we started with Berlin Falls, the water falls through a natural slice in the side of the cliff and falls 263 ft. We then went to Lisbon Falls. Lisbon Falls crashes down over the rocky cliff and falls 295 ft down. We then went to Mac Mac Falls. Mac Mac Falls are two falls a larger one with a smaller one to the side. Mac Mac Falls through two openings in the cliff and falls 230 ft. They are each different and beautiful in their own right. The names of these falls come from the miners who named them after their home cities, in Mac Mac falls case it is named after Scottish miners who were panning for gold close by the falls. We took a break for lunch and ate at Harries again. This time we tried the sweet pancakes. I had fig and pecan stuffed pancakes with whipped cream and Will had cinnamon sugar with milk tart filling and ice cream. They are a delicious as they sound and very filling. I also tried a red rooibos cappuccino, I will have to make these at home, yum! We then went to see God’s Window! God’s Window is located on the Panorama Route and is a vantage point at the edge of an escarpment from which you can see out into the canyon valley. It is a beautiful and awe inspiring site! The next stop was the natural bridge, it is as it an opening between a river pool on one side and the continuation of the river on the other. The flowing water cut a hole through the rock and formed a natural bridge, it is not that big but it is impressive. The next stop was the Pinnacle. This column of rock which rises cheer from a base of evergreens. It is made of sedentary rock and stands in the middle of a canyon which opens to the valley. The column was carved from an ancient sea and now stands in majestically between the horseshoed canyon walls. After such a busy day we took a break and started packing so we can head to Johannesburg tomorrow. We then ate dinner at a Portuguese and Mozambican restaurant in Graskop. The food was outstanding and the atmosphere was spot on! Tomorrow is a new day and we will be on the road again. Four hours and we have one night in Johannesburg and the fly to Cape Town! Until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I do believe that restaurant in Graskopf is the same one where Jenny and I had lunch one day! Love the Pinnacle and God's Window and all the falls. So happy you're having fun, and we miss y'all.
