Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 10 10/21/10 continued

I think Will and I know all the craft stores in the area. After Malendela’s, where I had WiFi to post, we went to the source and got a tour of Under African Skies which is where they make the batik sold in the area. The tour was very interesting, they start with plain white cotton fabric, stencil the pattern, then use wax to prevent die from staining areas of the fabric, they then progressively add more wax and die until the pattern is completed. After completion the wax is boiled off the fabric and it is hung to dry. This is a very time consuming tedious process which leads to beautiful one of a kind patterns even starting from the same stencil no two are alike. Since they do not sell direct to the customer we went to their store Baobab Batik, the store is incredible, I purchased three beautiful batik pillow cases for a steal and cannot wait to get them home! We then headed off to Ngwenya Glass, the only glass blowers in Swaziland. The store used exclusively recycled glass to create beautiful and for our standards reasonably priced blown glass. I bought a complete set of the big five, lion, elephant, leopard, water buffalo, hippo. After a full day shopping we headed back to the reserve, and on the way in we saw three Kudu and took some pictures, they allowed us within hand reach which was very surprising but allowed for some close up shots. We are now relaxing enjoying a cold drink at the bar. Will wanted to get some sunset photos so after relaxing a bit we took a drive to find the best spot to shoot sunset. Will and I pulled up to a big pond and he set up his camera. Well then it happened, I saw the first of the big five, two hippos! They were on the other side of the pond so I went over so I could try to get a snap a good picture but my camera couldn’t zoom enough and their wasn’t enough contrast between the muddy water and the hippo. But they were there! Now to see a lion, leopard, elephant and water buffalo. Tonight I tried Impala Chops at dinner, they tasted more like beef, again not chicken. LOL. They were very good and in general I have enjoyed everything I have eaten here on this trip! Tomorrow, laundry and then a self guided, we will have a trail map, hike around the sanctuary.

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