Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 13 10/24/10 continued

The day keeps getting better and better, I do have one go back to the nature walk, our guide told us about and then demonstrated a South African spitting context. Not watermelon seeds, olive pits or anything you would ever guess, it is impala droppings, little poo pellets. At first we thought he was pulling our leg but he picked up a pellet put it in his mouth and spit, and then repeated the act. He won hands down as no one would take it on to challenge him. Do you blame us???? After a relaxing afternoon of blogging, I have been back posting pictures, we had major activity at our watering hole. Three elephants decided to grace us with their presence. They drank, splashed around in the mud, and had a ball cooling off and all taking place within a stones throw of our infinity pool! We also had warthogs, impala, baboons, waterbuck, and warthogs. We were off again on our evening safari. The evening safari at first glance didn’t give a hint as to what was in store. We saw several giraffe, water buffalo, storks, and then an elephant herd drinking and playing at a watering hole. I tried to get a picture of the baby, a month old, but the older elephants kept it under close watch and in the middle, and every time it seemed to stray they reeled it back in. I did manage to get a shot but it is so small it is hard to see. The elephants surprised 6 hippos and again they are not so clear but they are there in the picture. We also had another leopard sighting, two hippos an adolescent male and female. One leopard we tracked had only one eye, she lost one defending her cubs against a male leopard, we watched her stalk impala it was fascinating. We couldn’t stay to see the kill as the guide explained it could be hours before she made the kill. After the safari we had dinner in a traditional African Boma style, a large fire in the middle and tables circled around. The skies even put on a show as magnificent lightning strikes lit up the sky!

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