Friday, October 8, 2010

T-3 TGIF!!!!

FRIDAY, the weekend is here, a three day weekend for most, for me the start of an almost month long vacation to AFRICA!!!!  When I left work today I was officially on vacation!  Monday is around the corner, so close it is mocking me!  Today I purchased the magical quart size Ziploc bags so I can hand carry liquids in 3.5 oz size bottles.  This TSA regulation has become a booming industry, everything and anything can be found in 3.5 oz sizes as well as if you want to be snobby you can even buy TSA approved high density specialty clear quart size bags, the price for one equals a whole box of the regular Ziploc.  Isn't capitalism a wonderful thing!  All that is left to do is pick up last minute items, today Will informed me we need to pick up TSA approved locks. Yes locks that can be opened by a master TSA key, I ask you if TSA has doesn't it begs the question won't the thieves have them too, so why bother locking the bags????  I guess I will purchase the locks, what the heck it might help the economy on some minuscule level!!!!  LOL  The weekend will be devoted to laundry, cleaning the house before the house/pet sitter arrives, and yes packing.  Will brought me a Bose noise cancelling headset so I won't have to be tortured by engine noise!  Wasn't that nice!!!  Now I can hook my I-pod up directly to the head set and not have to blast it to drown out that pesky engine noise saving my hearing and my sanity.   Well it is late and I probably should be getting ready to hit the hay!  Until tomorrow!

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