Tuesday, October 5, 2010

T-6 Bills to Pay While Away

As I prepare to spend three and a half weeks trekking through South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland there are many things that need to be done prior to leaving and some things that need to be done while I am gone!  For example bills need to be paid, and for me that presents a dilemma.  You see I still pay my bills by writing out a check, addressing and stamping an envelope and putting it in the mail.  I know not the norm for most but I figure why should I make easy for them to receive my payment.  I know one could argue that paying on line makes it easier for me but I still don't fully agree nor do I fully trust electronic bill paying.  While exploring ways to pay two bills that usually arrive after I depart I signed up for all the accounts required to pay my bills, at least this month via electronic bill pay.  What I found is that each site is slightly different, which is to be expected.  One, Huntsville Utilities actually charges $4.50 for the privilege to pay online.  The last time I checked a stamp cost 41 cents.  But back to the different sites and all the questions, security and options which are maddening.  I actually had to call Bank of America to ask a few questions and I am glad I did.  Had I not called I would have paid my Nov 01 mortgage payment too early and it would not have been credited correctly so I would have actually missed making my Nov 01 payment.  You see, I wanted to pay my Nov 01 payment on Oct 15 which would have been too early, go figure.  Luckily the customer service representative corrected me and I now if all goes as planned my mortgage will be paid while I am away.  Hopefully on Oct 27 funds will transfer from my checking account to my mortgage company.  I will have to wait 2 business days to see so I will be keeping an eye out!  Strange thing is that the site never mentioned paying too early it was not part of the numerous questions or cautions which are seemingly part of the online bill paying experience.  For some this will seem like a strange thing to blog about but those who know me will understand that this too was quite an adventure.  The jury is still out as to whether I will continue to pay my mortgage, or any other bill online for that matter, but paying online this month it seems to be the only alternative.

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