Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 5 10/16/10

Neither Will nor I got much sleep last night.  It was colder then we thought it would be and I for one find it difficult to get comfortable sleeping in sleeping bag.  We were up at 5:15,  it seems that roosters crow at times around the clock and not just at sun rise, go figure!  We started organizing our things, ate breakfast, and then packed the saddle bags.  The chief’s wife Georgina asked us to take pictures of her and invited us into her house (living room, bedroom and dining room studio) to take pictures.  It seems that each rondavel serves a particular purpose one is a kitchen others are for sleeping, the one we slept in like I said in my previous blog was a preschool. We left the village at 7:00 a.m. this time we took a different route home, which was for the most part flatter valleys, broken up by steeper/rockier areas.  We made very good time and arrived back at the camp at 11:30.  Please don’t get me wrong but I was so happy to see the lodge and my rondavel, a shower and real toilet and bed are very good things.  The owners were quite relieve to see us, they were concerned because they got hit with worse weather then we did and they were worried we had a rough time on the trail!  Yes I just said “on the trail” like I am back in the old west!  After cleaning up we had some lunch and relaxed, we went on a short walk before dinner and retired to our room.  Since we were so cold last night and there was a chill in the room Will and I tried to light a fire in the fire place.  First we tried using twigs with magazine paper to get it going, no luck but pretty colored flames.  Next we tried plane sheet paper still no luck.  I walked down to the kitchen to see if they had any newspaper, when they asked why I said I wanted to start a fire at which time they gave their secret Besotho fire starting secret, a white waxy fire accelerant, go figure. Will and I would never survive out it the wild alone, good thing we don’t have to because apparently we cannot start a fire on our own. Well I am not a sore as Will, and it is not bad as long as I keep moving but when I sit a while it makes for an interesting time getting back up!  Tomorrow we are heading on a couple hour hike to Maletsunyane falls.  Yes read correctly hike hopefully a good night’s sleep will heal sore muscles!  I just will be happy if I can get out of bed on the first try in the morning!

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