Wednesday, October 6, 2010

T-5 Closer and Closer

Preparation is key to planning your own adventure vacation.  Months of planning, researching and double checking every reservation all seems to have lead to what I am feeling right now, anxious?  I know in my head that everything is in place, the tickets, reservations, even an update to the Garmin nuvi with maps of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland arrived today.  I made my packing list and checked it twice.  I have all my shots, yes ALL my shots, and malaria pills.  For a few months now I have been gathering together my travel clothing, travel toiletries, sun screen, bug repellent etc.  I feel like it is the calm before the storm, as if I must have missed somethingl but what?  I know that this feeling will pass, I know it is just jitters, that I must ride it out.  I am going to have a wonderful time and as soon as I am on the plane flying farther and farther away from Huntsville and  closer and closer to South Africa I know all these feelings will melt away.  In five days at this time I will be somewhere over the Atlantic ocean counting down the mintues and all the months of preperation, all the nerves will all have been worth it.

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