Saturday, October 9, 2010

T-2 Pre-Pack

Conducting a packing dry run when there is time is very important to good travel preparation.  Today I had the time to do just that.  I am glad I did, it made me realize I needed a few extra things to complete my check list.  It also gave me a chance to see if I had the right luggage to carry what will be my entire wardrobe and other essential items to make it through my entire vacation.  If you think about it luggage is your traveling closet, dresser and medicine cabinet.  Now-a-days it is also your traveling office.  I wouldn't want to have to spend money on something I left behind or couldn't fit.  That money would be better spent on souvenirs!  The other packing requirement are enough Ziploc bags to make sure everything and any thing that could possibly leak, or get loose in your luggage is contained.  There is nothing worse than unpacking upon arrival only to find your sunscreen is now protecting your clothing without you in them!  If you recall from my previous blog what you pack you must entrust to luggage handlers, unpressurized luggage compartments, and the extensive conveyor belt system that route your luggage to its final destination, hopefully at the same place and time!  Tomorrow I will pack everything I will need to enjoy a wonderful vacation in Africa, an exciting yet stressful prospect.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to help you kick off your vacay in the morning!!!
