Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 15 10/26/10 continued

After an eventful morning I worked on some pictures and blog. I am having problems getting pictures into the blog Will showed me how to size them down smaller but the internet WiFi has been so week everywhere I have been that it is still taking a long time. Well the evening game drive safari was a bit slow, then we happened upon a bird a Korhaan. The male bird sings a song to attract a mate. He then flies straight up in the air and makes a death dive by flipping over and falls back to the ground and flips upright at the last minute. The first time I saw it I thought a bird of prey caught another bird mid-flight. The guide then explained what had happened and a few minutes later another male performed the same flight to a death dive. It was a phenomenal sight, so unexpected. The rest of the drive was a bit slow the animals seemed to be hiding in plan sight at least we didn’t see them. When we returned the lodge had planned a boma, our second one. They have a special court yard with a large fire pit, a covered table, a bar and long brai (bbq). Well off to bed tomorrow is our last game safari drive, hopefully we will have better luck in the morning!

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