Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 18 10/29/10

We left Thaba Tsweni after breakfast and headed down to Graskop to stop by the art gallery. Will and I were there the day before and purchased a few small sculpture pieces. Will wanted to purchase additional items but wanted to sleep on it, I knew we would return. After the art gallery we got on our way to Johannesburg. We stopped at Pilgrim’s Rest which is a tourist town setup to look like an old time mine town. It was OK but there really wasn’t much to see or do, it had the usual old time general store, and shops but it was mostly a tourist trap. When we arrived in Jburg we headed over to the airport to check on the baggage storage area and to check in with South African Airways to clarify the checked luggage weight limit. We were then off to the Hilton Sandton for a night of luxury before we start the next phase of our adventure in Cape Town. Cathy and Michelle picked us up for dinner, we had a very nice time at Spurs a local establishment with a home town feel. It was a very nice meal and best of all great company and conversation. Hopefully they will have a chance to come to the States so we can return the favor. It is late and I need to hit the hay we have to be at the airport early in the morning. Hopefully I will have regular access to the internet and or WiFi in Cape Town.

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