Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 10 10/21/10

We woke up early to greet the day and have a hearty breakfast to tide us through a busy day shopping for souvenirs.  We ate breakfast in the open air restaurant next to the watering hole, birds nesting in the trees, and catfish jumping.   We arranged for a sunset open vehicle safari tour for tomorrow night, it should be wonderful!  On the way back to the rondavel after breakfast we found spring bock and zebra grazing outside our rondavel, Will and I of course stopped to take a few pictures.  On the drive out the gate we saw a blue wildebeest and a kudu.  Again another of what will be many picture taking moments.  Will also took some great shots of two dung beetles doing what dung beetles do with poo.  Right now I am sitting in Malandela's Internet Cafe.  I don't have much WiFi time so I will sign off here I just wanted to post yesterdays blog and make a quick post now.  I will update you all when I next have Internet/WiFi access.

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