Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 6 10/17/10

I think I had the best night’s sleep in a very long time, the fire was still going so the room was warm and toasty.  We managed to get up early so we could get a good start on our day.  I neglected to write that every morning tea ladies bring us tea and cookies I will miss that when back home.  This morning we dropped off our laundry, it is washed by hand and returned that evening and the prices are incredibly inexpensive, I will miss that too!  After breakfast Will and I headed off to Maletsunyane Falls.
   Along the way we met some people from the lodge, they were from Sweden, Drs working 3 months in Maseru, Susan was just leaving, Ule her replacement and his wife Ana.  When you travel it is a wonderful part of the experience to meet people from around the world.  To have a chance even if briefly to learn a bit about them share stories.  I like that very much!  The falls were spectacular and I took so many photos as of course did Will.  Semonkong Lodge holds the Guinness World Record Certificate for the longest commercially operated single drop abseil (repelling) 670 feet down the Maletsunyane Falls.  This morning two people were abseiling while we were taking pictures.   We couldn’t see them as the viewing point is quite a distance from the falls but we did see them when they returned and were told that it was quite an exhilarating experience, I bet it was!   After we returned from our hike, eating a quick lunch we headed off into town.   There wasn’t much to see, in fact it makes me feel very lucky to have the life I do!  People here live with the bare minimum and most do not have indoor plumbing, and use out houses.   Towards dusk Will wanted to head down the river to get some sunset pictures.  Strangely enough the river was three feet lower today and the reflections were not what he wanted them to be nor did the clouds cooperate to reflect the suns setting rays.  He made the best of the situation and snapped quite a few shots.  We headed back right as it got really dark and went straight to dinner.  Mind you dinner starts at 6:30 and even getting there at exactly 6:30 dinner lasts until 8:00, things are very, very slow but nice as we have no were to rush back to except our rondavel!  During dinner we struck up a conversation with two people we met earlier Mary and David, she is from Virginia and he is from Kenya, a very nice couple.  It seems that Huntsville is famous around the world all thanks to U-tube and Antoine and his five minutes of fame after someone broke into his sister's room and tried to sexually assault her.  She could even quote him and knew some of the words to the song, and they live in Kenya, what a thing to have Huntsville be known for around the world!   The night security guard came by to start the fire this evening, he seemed to be able to do so with cardboard, twigs, fire wood and a lit candle!  Go figure no accelerant needed!  LOL  It is getting late and we leave in the morning!  Tomorrow we are back in South Africa!  Hopefully we will have internet connection soon!

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