Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 11 10/22/10 continued

We just returned from our sunset safari and dinner. It looked like it was going to rain the whole time but thankfully it didn’t we did however have to deal with wind blowing loose sandy soil but it was worth it. The guide was very knowledgeable and he pointed out a few new animals we had not previously seen and corrected a couple we thought we saw. Tonight we saw blesbuck and female nyala which we thought were some other species because they look nothing like the males. We also got a better look at the hippos as well as the skittish kudu we also saw an even bigger crocodile. After a ride around the reserve we drove up to the top of the mountain. Even though it was overcast the view of the valley below was beautiful, the landscape at the top was other worldly, strange aloe growing like palm trees and coral looking plants that grow grass like leaves that the guide said the local people use to make rope! All and all it was a great day and exceptional evening. At dinner we even had a chance to try blesbuck stir fry, it too tastes like deer! Strange isn’t it, on the ride we see it on the hoof and then for dinner on the griddle! We have an early start in the morning so I am going to sign off. Next journal entry will be from Kruger National park. More adventures to follow.

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