Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 11 10/22/10

The best laid plans of Glenn and Will often go awry! This morning we got up at the crack of doom to do our laundry only to find out that the lady who know how to use the washing machine doesn’t come in until 9:00. Ah the pleasure of travel in Africa. We planned to have a few loads in while we ate breakfast but instead we ate then went on a drive around the sanctuary. We saw nyala, kudu, zebra, wildebeest, impala and while eating breakfast we saw what looked like a 14 ft crocodile in the pond next to the Hipo Haunt restaurant and bar. When we returned from our drive we found the laundry lady. It does seem that even though there is a full size washer it is not fill on its own. You have to add water by the bucket full. You need to be a pinball wizard to make the token go down the slot! The process then is pushing buttons, turning power on and off, and I believe crossing your eyes and sticking your tongue a certain way. We are now experts and actually started the second wash on our own! Laundry is almost done, we had to hang the jeans over the chairs in the yard and put the socks on the table to finish drying. We had the braai (Bbq) for lunch, impala chops and wildebeest wurst! It was delicious! Right now we are taking a quick break and hit the internet cafĂ© which has an ice cream stand next to it. My diet is so out the window!!!!! Any way I had a chance to work on pictures, I use two programs on my computer to do it but I do have pictures to post . I will do post them when I have a stronger internet connection, right now it takes quite a long time to post my journal alone. I am having a blast, tonight we are going on a sunset safari and tomorrow we leave for Kruger National park.

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