Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 2 10/13/10

After traveling about 5 hours we finally arrived in Maseru, Lesotho, we checked into the Mohokare Guest House, the Potoana room. The room/suite is basic but very nice, basic as in no internet, so unfortunately no daily blog update. Since we do not want to travel at night we needed to stay one night here and will leave for Semonkong Lodge in the morning. The drive here wasn’t so much long as it was tedious. The GPS took us a more direct route but it was also off the beaten track. We went for very long stretches without so much as seeing a house and there were no rest stops, which I for one will never take for granted again. Bumpy roads, iced tea and no rest stops make for a unique test of will power! The landscape reminded me of Texas, very flat and brown. It was very obvious that we were approaching Lesotho as the landscape went from flat to mountainous. Lesotho is called the Kingdom in the Sky. Semonkong is the official start of our “adventure”. These past three days have been all travel, two spent on a plane and one in the car. I feel like I am traveling to the ends of the Earth just to take my vacation! But it so far it has been worth it!

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