Thursday, October 7, 2010

T-4 New Day New Hair Cut

What a wonderful thing a good night sleep is, a new day, a flu shot, and a new hair cut.  The cloud seems to have lifted and I seem better able to focus on pulling together the last minute items on my to do list.  Sitting in the chair talking with Lindsey while she cut my hair she made me laugh about my last minute jitters and as the hair fell from my head the stress seems to have fallen to the floor as well.  When I got home from work I pulled out the suit cases, put on new brightly colored luggage tags, you know something to make my suitcases stand out on the luggage carousel!  Let's face it every little bit helps as you throw elbows with the masses at the luggage carousel. 
It is had to believe that tomorrow is my last day of work for almost a month.  It will either fly or drag, I am thinking it will be the latter!  Will is working on completing the travel itinerary spread sheet, it is awesome and all inclusive.  He also registered the trip, the entire trip, on the State Department Traveler's Web site.  I never thought to do that so now that is one more thing to do before I leave.  Arggg!!! No worries I have time and the spread sheet!  All that is left is to pack, and on Monday check my bags, deal with airport security and then spend the better part of a full day in airports and on a planes but it will be all worth it when we land and begin the African adventure.

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